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Status: active

We invite everyone who is ready to take action to join us and help raise funds to purchase 10 MOTOROLA mobile radios for our boys.

Our goal is to collect €7,103.25.

Walkie-talkies play an important role in warfare, providing soldiers with essential vital resources even in the harshest combat conditions. Walkie-talkies are a key element of military support, ensuring combat readiness and effectiveness of military operations.

Every contribution, regardless of its size, is very important for us and our country.

Details at the link in the profile header.

Join our cause, support our fighters and help us take the small steps that lead us to the big victory.


Fee amount -  € 7,103.25

@kira_nails_brand - 25 000 UAH.
@zidia_official - 50 000 UAH.
@amoreshop1 - 150,000 UAH.
@amigos.ucrania - 31 000 UAH
@komilfoua (seminars) - 57,300 UAH.
Fund's donation - 548.80 UAH.


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